canva app review 2021

To create a thumbnail was needed software graphic design such as Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Corel Draw . But sometimes we experience problems when using the software , such as constraints on how to use it or the technique is confusing for those who are beginners.

But for those of you who are still beginners and confused about using the example software above to create thumbnails , here the author recommends for you to use a Canva application . This design application is so easy to use, writers from the past until now still use Canva to make various designs such as thumbnails for content because it feels very easy to use. However, this Canva application is available online on PC / laptop as well as Android .

In this tutorial , the author will tell you how to use this Canva application . For its use, pay attention to the following steps:


1. Open the Canva site. Please log in first to your Canva account by selecting login. If you don’t have it, please first create an account on the list.

2. Select Create Design and then choose what size design suits your needs. Because here we create thumbnails for blog content , type ” Blog Banner “. You can also make your own design size according to your needs by choosing Special Dimensions.

3. Now we will create the background design. We are going to use an image as the background . Choose Upload below.                                                                                                                                            

4. Then select upload image or video. Find a photo or image that you want to use as the background on your laptop.

5. After that, the image you want to use as a background appears, click on the image to upload it .

6. Adjust the position of the image to the needs that cool.

7. Then give a title and also put the title position as you wish.

8. When finished, click download above.

This Canva has so many features, you can just check the source . The author will not discuss it here because it is too long to discuss.

This Canva application can not only create thumbnails for blogs , but also design thumbnails for other types of content such as Youtube.

That’s the  tutorial from the author. Hope it is useful.